When is garbage collected in my area?
Each area has a distinct collection schedule. Please view the entire collection schedule here.
Why was my bin upturned after collection?
Bins without holes allow water to gather. This is a breeding ground for mosquitos. It also adds more weight to the bin that the Collectors have to load into the trucks. Also once the water sloshes into the trucks, it leaks as the truck drives along leaving areas smelling unpleasant. No one wants a smelly street so please drill or punch some holes in your bin.
Where can I get suitable garbage bins?
Metal and cardboard bins are not acceptable for various reasons including rusting metal and the accumulation of smells and bacteria within the fibre of the cardboard. Local companies, particularly hardware stores, sells various styles of appropriate bins. Receptacles once used for food transport are also available from the Breweries. Please ensure the bin you get can be covered and secured from rain, dogs and other pests.
Why wasn’t my garbage collected? I left it right inside my gate.
A number of issues can arise when Collectors enter a premises. Please bring your garbage outside to a securable location on collection day.
Being a Responsible Citizen
What if I only have a little waste, do I always have to take it to the landfill?
Waste that is not prepared for collection or not otherwise taken to the landfill and dumped elsewhere is considered litter and an offense of illegal dumping is committed. Illegally dumped waste is unsightly and above all bad for the environment and human health. It can breed pests and find it’s way into water courses and the sea. Do the right thing and dispose of your waste properly. Contact the Corporation if you are unsure.
How do I report illegal dumping?
Please feel free to call Headquarters at 869-465-9507 or use this form. The more information you are able to provide the better.
Metal Bin Rentals
What is the size of the bin?
Bins can accommodate 12 cubic yards of waste.
What can be dumped into the bins?
Bins can accommodate yard waste, electronic waste as well as construction and demolition waste except for concrete. Concrete should never be placed in the bins as penalties will apply.
When are the bins available?
Bins are available weekdays and weekends according to the applicable fees. There is no bin delivery on Tuesdays to accommodate the servicing of the bin truck. Delivery is also not available on Sundays when the Corporation is closed to the public.
Where do I pay for the bin rental?
Fees can be paid either at the Corporation’s Headquarters on Taylor’s Range or at the Conaree Landfill’s office. Please note the applicable fees for the day of the week and location.
What do I do if someone else puts garbage into the bin I rented?
You are encouraged to have your waste ready to load into the bin to avoid unauthorized use of the bin. Any waste in the bin is your responsibility.
Derelict Vehicles
How do I get a derelict vehicle taken to the landfill?
The Corporation offers a crane truck service to collect derelict vehicles. Please note the applicable fees.
What if I decide to bring the vehicle to the landfill myself?
Vehicles brought to the landfill under other arrangements are subject to a $20 tipping fee. Please note the applicable fees.